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Postdoctoral positions:

Funded postdoctoral positions will be advertised here.


Graduate students:

Applications for the August 2024 intake are now closed. For future intakes, please check the admission requirements here. If you couldn’t meet some of the requirements, we can try to justify to the graduate school for the admission. Contact Dr. Lin directly with your CV.


International students with Bachelor degree from Europe, America or other English speaking countries/regions can also apply for the SINGA PhD scholarship, for which there is NO restrictive requirement for GRE or TOEFL/IELTS.


Singaporean students and international students intending to take up Singapore citizenship can also apply for the A*Star Graduate Scholarship to join our group.


Visiting PhD students

For Chinese students who are willing to apply for the visiting PhD support of China Scholarship Council (CSC) to work in our group, please contact Dr. Lin ( with your CV.

Division of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Nanyang Technological University

62 Nanyang Drive, N1.2-B3-22, Singapore 637459, Singapore

65-6316 8866

© 2024 by Chen Lab. All rights reserved.

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