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The CHEN Lab of Food Safety and Processing

We are employing molecular approaches to study food microorganisms that pose major threats to public health.


About CHEN Lab

Biological contamination is the leading cause of foodborne illness and food poisoning, contributing significantly to food spoilage and waste. We are a dedicated team of food researchers at Nanyang Technological University, committed to developing innovative solutions to combat biological contamination in the food industry. Our focus includes leveraging bacteriophages, antimicrobial packaging, and coatings to enhance food safety and reduce spoilage.

Division of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Nanyang Technological University

62 Nanyang Drive, N1.2-B3-22, Singapore 637459, Singapore

65-6316 8866

© 2024 by Chen Lab. All rights reserved.

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